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Mark Wilkie – “Cherry Blossom”

black Micron pen & paper, 10” X 8”, 2014, $150.00

Mark D. Wilkie is a New Jersey based artist. He has been drawing ornate linear drawings since he was ten. When he draws, he starts in the center with a black micron pen and works his way out creating abstract images. His imagination takes over as he draws creating images that invite viewers to speculate on what they see. Organic and biomorphic forms emerge from his finely drawn lines and are suggestive of trees, plants, insects, creatures or humanoid shapes. Everytime you look at one of his artworks you see something new. Mark grew up in Hamilton Square and is a graduate of Steinert High School and the Y.A.L.E. School in Cherry Hill, NJ. He has taken classes in Art History and Printmaking at Mercer County College. Mark has exhibited in numerous shows over the years, with his most recent being an exhibit titled Persistence. “Persistence features work by regional artists who demonstrate persistence despite what are commonly perceived as obstacles: age, illness, and physical and neurological problems.


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March 29, 2019