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Virginia Carroll “Wild Flowers at Duke”

acrylic, 8” x10”, $250.00

This painting was inspired by a photo I took on a mid summer day ay Duke Farms. Duke Farms is a favorite destination of mine for hiking. I love the history of the estate and the the greenhouse ,the remnants of architecture, sculpture and of course the landscape.
This marvelous old growth tree was spectacular against the clear blue sky. The wildflowers at Duke Farms are a treat allaround the grounds; there are meadows of them! These small yellow flowers sprinkled in the grasses around the ma-nificent tree are a beautiful juxtaposition of strong and delicate.The trees in the distance give a sense of the grand space that is Duke Farm.
My goal was to capture the strength and beauty of this regal tree. All of the elements of this composition helped me to show off this grand old tree.


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March 29, 2019